About Our Stockton Law Firm
Serving justice in Stockton, California and Sacramento, California.
The Davalos Law Firm PC
The Davalos Law Firm focuses on litigation strategies in civil and criminal disputes. Whether its defending you through mitigation of liability or prosecuting your claims through jury trial and judgment, The Davalos Law Firm and Attorney Davalos are your “go to” law firm for legal services to help you navigate complex and intricate California law in the areas of landlord-tenant, real estate litigation, foreclosure defense, criminal defense, or you need a family lawyer in Stockton CA Areas of law that can be time-consuming and arduous without someone on your side that knows the law and is experienced.
The Davalos Team is comprised of a diverse staff serving Stockton, California and Sacramento, California. As a client, you will gain a full team of legal support to help you make informed decisions and keep you one step ahead of your opponents.
Work WIth A Stockton Law FIrm That has an award winning process
Step 1 - Intake
Triage. When presented with a new client matter Davalos Law Firm (DLF) assesses the goals of the client, any pressing issues, court dates or deadlines. A conflict check is conducted and a retainer agreement offered to the potential client.
Client goals are identified, strengths and weaknesses of the case are categorized and a timeline of events is established. Each of these steps creates the roadmap for Davalos Law Firm’s strategy of an attack and/or defense.
Pleadings are drafted and served. Contact with opposing parties is made to develop a rapport and when necessary establish boundaries. A discovery plan is developed and deadlines for execution are determined. Foresight into any possible issues or special motions are considered.
Step 4 - Litigation
DLF proceeds to ferret out the truth in each matter by seeking out all relevant and discoverable evidence available to the Client. Subpoenas, depositions, requests for inspection and other discovery methods are employed to amplify and harmonize Davalos Law Firm’s litigation strategy with the Client’s desired goals.
After the discovery process is completed, alternatives to trial are proposed. In some matters, judicial arbitration may be ordered. In others, the parties may agree that the uncertainty of trial dictates the parties attempt mediation. This is the last chance to end the case before the matter is placed into the hands of the fact finder(s).
Step 6 - TRIAL
DLF prepares vigorously for trial by meeting with each client, reviewing all discovery and evidence and preparing the Client by running scenarios, testing Client preparedness and memory and also challenging the Client in high stress scenarios. Ultimately, DLF seeks judgment and zealously advocates all the way through to a strong finish.